Thursday, May 31, 2018

Paket Lengkap Penguatan Pendanaan Apbd Berbasis Instrumen Fiskal Syariah

Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of fiscal policy islam. The method used in this study is the case study method. Points Regional Government research Bekasi, Mechanical Sampling by interviewing respondents, obser-vation by observation by following some musrenbang socialization and discussion group forums in section / unit related work, the deepening of the documents related to local government financial policy. The results of this study indicate Kota Bekasi local government finance in systems and procedures, financial pattern has been going well, but the year 2012 -2014 budget funds can only cover approximately 30-50% of development proposals are inventoried in the deliberations development plan (musren-bang), so there many development proposals that can not be funded by the budget or in other words are still around 70-50% which can not be imple-mented.
Keywords: Fiscal Policy, Islam, Local Government
Penulis: Any Setianingrum
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151575

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Paket Lengkap Analisis Tingkat Kejenuhan Bank Islam Di Indonesia

Abstract: The research conducted to find out the effect of the number of Islamic bank-ing offices, finance to deposit ratio (FDR), and financing growth to the Is-lamic bank saturation level in Indonesia. The research used panel data analysis with fixed effect model (FEM) as its best estimation model. The re-sult of this research shows that number of Islamic banking offices, Financing Direct Ratio (FDR), and financing growth have a significant effect to the Is-lamic banking saturation simultaneously. Partially, only number of offices has a significant effect, but FDR and financing growth are not significant.
Keywords: FDR, Financing Growth , Islamic Bank Saturation, And The Number Of Islamic Banking Offices.
Penulis: Meri Indri Hapsari
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151576

Paket Lengkap Analisis Konsistensi Perencanaan Dan Penganggaran Daerah

Abstract: aims to: (1) to analyze the level of consistency of planning and budgeting document which occurred in the Lembata district Year 2012-2015; (2) look at the factors that cause inconsistencies; and (3) to formu-late policy priorities. To answer the purpose, this study used a descriptive evaluative methods, which are categorized as qualitative stream. The in-formants include the executive, legislative, and NGOs. Based on an anal-ysis tool Matrix Consolidated Planning and Budgeting, Analysis of Root Cause Analysis, and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the results showed that the documents of the most inconsistent is RPJMD-RKPD, while programs that have a risk of inconsistency so high is infrastructure development.
Keywords: Budgeting , Inconsistency, Planning
Penulis: Ferdinandus Diri Burin
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151577

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Paket Lengkap Respon Investor Terhadap Pergantian Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Era 20 Mei 2013

ABSTRACT: The research aims to determine the response of stock investors to the changing of  Republic Indonesia’s Finance Minister on 20th May 2013. Data used the company’s stock index in LQ45 2013. Technique of collecting data is using documentarymethods. Data analysis is using event study, and statistics. The result shows thatchanging of Finance Minister Period 20th May 2013 does not have a significantimpact on return and abnormal return to be earned by investors before, during, andafter changing.
Keywords: Stock Investors, Investor Response, Stock, Turnover Finance Minister, Index LQ45, Return, and Abnormal Return, Event Study
Penulis: Izzat Zakia Ridwan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151578

Monday, May 28, 2018

Paket Lengkap Karakteristik Individu Dan Perilakukewirausahaan Pengusaha Produk Unggulan Perjuangan Kecil Dan Menengah Kabupaten Lumajang

ABSTRACT: The research aims to determine the characteristics of the individual entrepreneur's flagship product in small and medium enterprises Lumajang. Analysis tools used isthe range of scale and cross tabulation. The result indicated that entrepreneur’scharacteristic were high responsible, seeking an opportunities, resistant to risks and uncertainties, confidence, creative and flexible, require quick feedback, highenergy level, motivation to excel, future-oriented, always learn from failure, and the ability to lead. The characteristics of entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors are still need to increase in order to compete with others.
Keywords: Individual Characteristics, Behavior, UKM
Penulis: Andri Bachtiar
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151579

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Paket Lengkap Dampak Produk Yang Berwawasan Hijau Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Air Minum Dalam Kemasan Merek Ades

ABSTRACT: The research purpose’s is to analyze the effect of green-minded products on purchase intention. This research is survey. The research used a questionnaire forcollecting data. The result indicated that green-minded product positivelyinfluencing purchase intention.
Keywords: Green-minded Product, Purchase Interest, and ADES
Penulis: Devi Eprilia Ristanti
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151580

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Paket Lengkap Studi Kelayakan Rencana Pendirian Rumah Pemondokan (Kost) Kelas Menengah Di Tegalgondo Malang

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to determine lodging house feasibility in Malang. Feasibility study includes marketing aspects, technical, economic and social,management, legal, environmental, and financial aspects. Analysis tools used areNet Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PP), Method of Average Rate of Return(ARR), Method Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Profitability Index (PI). The results show that ARR is 24% (more than 17% minimum requirement), PP is 6.2 year (less than 15 year proposed), NPV is 485.041 (more than 0), IRR is 17.013% (more than 17% ARR), and PI is 1.0007287 (more than > 1). All the feasibility requirement are eligible. It means that the lodging house project is feasible.
Keywords: Business Feasibility Research, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period, Average Rate of Return, Profitability Index
Penulis: M. Abdimas Haidar Rahbany
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151581

Friday, May 25, 2018

Paket Lengkap Keputusan Sumber Pembelanjaan Pada Perjuangan Mikro Kecil Menengah (Umkm) Swalayan Di Desa Mulyoagung Kecamatan Dau Malang

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the source of funds used in the microand small businesses in the village supermarket Mulyoagung District of DAU. Themethod used is the method of survey, data analysis is qualitative descriptiveanalysis based on primary and secondary data. Based on the results of a survey conducted by the researchers of the 10 self-service according to the class of micro enterprises in the village Mulyoagung DAU Malang, there is a 100% initial planning. the source of funds used for micro and small businesses in thesupermarket, the source of funds used approximately 75.5% use their own capitaldue, which was developed in the supermarket business is already quite big and costquite a lot. Supermarkets that require considerable cost using capital loans at the bank around 24.5% to run a business in this way could make more developed self.
Keywords: Source of Funds, Equity, Equity Loans, UMKM
Penulis: Fifi Rahmawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151582

Paket Lengkap Imbas Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan Terhadap Intensi Kewirausahaan

ABSTRACT: The research purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of entrepreneurship course on entrepreneurial intention. A simple linear regression was use as a statistical tool. The research used 85 of college students as a respondent. The result shows that entrepreneurship course has a positive significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. The recomendation is educational institutions shold befacilitate entrepreneurship activities space in campus.
Keywords: Learning Entrepreneurship Courses, Entrepreneurship Intention
Penulis: Umi Choiriyah
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151583

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Paket Lengkap Pembentukan Portofolio Optimal Pada Beberapa Saham Yang Masuk Pada Indeks Pefindo25 Yang Tercatat Di Bursa Pengaruh Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the stock that form the optimal portofolio and the proportion of funds invested and determine the rate of return and level of risk of the optimal portofolio of stocks that, is formed in the PEFINDO25 index listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange, in the study period at August 2011 to July 2013. The method of analysis used in this study is a single index model method and sampling techniques using purposive sampling. Based on the results of data analysis stocks that form the optimal portofolio in PEFINDO25 index in the period at August 2011 – July 2013, obtained three stocks included in the optimal portofolio members. The share are accompanied by the proportion of investment funds is BISI (BISI International Tbk) 48,4379%, GZCO (Gozco Plantations Tbk) 31,3017%, HRUM (Harum Energy Tbk) 20,2604%,. The stocks are result yield rate of return on a portofolio that will get investors at 0,151% and the portofolio risk level of 0,003%.
Keywords: PEFINDO25, Optimal Portofolio, Single Index Model, Return and Risk
Penulis: Chalimatuz Sa’diyah
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151584

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Paket Lengkap Perbandingan Return And Risk Antara Saham-Saham Syariah Dan Non Syariah Yang Tercatat Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Abstract: The research was conducted on the basis of a range of common problems in capital markets activities in Indonesia, the increasing development of alternative investment and to invest, investors should be better at determining the investment option. It is taken into consideration is the investor return and risk. In principle, investors expect high returns with minimal risk. Establishment LQ 45 is a superior collection of 45 stocks to facilitate investors in choosing. Public interest in increasing sharia-based economy, then formed the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) to respond to the needs of information that meets the requirements of Shariah. It made an interesting study of comparison between stock returns and risk and non-Islamic sharia. Researchers use this type of survey research in the analysis. Using purposive sampling, researchers select stocks during the period of observation is always good listings on LQ 45 and JII. Each sample wascalculated return and risk to findout which one gives the stock return and risk greater.
Keywords: returns, risk, stock, sharia
Penulis: Zakia Yuliani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151585

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Paket Lengkap Imbas Personal Selling, Display Product Dan Store Atmosphere Terhadap Impulse Buying

ABSTRACT: This research aims to examine and analyze the effects of personal selling, product display, and store atmosphere simultaneously and partially towards consumerimpulse buying consumer hypermart departemen store Malang Town Square. Thesample size consisted of 100 respondents taken by accidental sampling. The datawas analyzed by using the multiple linear regressions. The results showed personal selling, product display, and store atmosphere has the effect ofsimultaneously and partially towards impulse buying department store consumer matahari departemen store Malang Town Square. Variables store atmospheredominant influence impulse buying in the consumer hypermart departemen store Malang Town Square.
Keywords: personal selling, display product, store atmosphere, impulse buying
Penulis: Didid Haris Bahtiyar Rizal
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151586

Monday, May 21, 2018

Paket Lengkap Imbas Dimensi Ekuitas Merek Terhadap Minat Beli Pada Kertanegara Guest House Malang

ABSTRACT: Intention this research is to test dimension of equity merk have an effect toenthusiasm buy at Guest House Kertanegara Malang and to test merk equityinfluence to enthusiasm buy at Guest House. Population in this research are guestusing service of Guest House Kertanegara, by using technique of conveniencepurposive sampling. Sample size 100 respondents. Technique analysis is linearregression analysis by using test of regression doubled linear. The result ofresearch show that linear regression analysis is positive relationshio between thebrand equity and enthusiasm., test t test and f test, indicating that merk equity have influence of significant to enthusiasm buy. Between awareness brand, merk association, perception of quality, dimension merk and loyality owning mostinfluence significan is awareness of brand, merk association, perception of quality of, and merk loyality.
Keyword: Awareness of brand, merk association, perception of[is quality of, and merk loyalitas, enthusiasm buy
Penulis: Ervan Ade Wardani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151587

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Paket Lengkap Imbas Faktor-Faktor Mendasar Ke Uangan Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Properti Dan Real Estate Yang Terdaftar Di Bei

ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to determine the effect of factors such as financialfundamentals Earning Per Share (EPS), Return On Assets (ROA), Net ProfitMargin (NPM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), and Current Ratio (CR) of thecompany and real property estate listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during theperiod 2008-2013. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sampleof five companies. Variables include the Earning Per Share (EPS), return on assets(ROA), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), and Current Ratio(CR) as the independent variable and stock price as dependent variables. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regressionanalysis. The results of this study indicate that the simultaneous regression test(Test F), shows that the Earning Per Share (EPS), return on assets (ROA), NetProfit Margin (NPM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), and Current Ratio (CR) simultaneously influence the stock prices of five companies that were visited. Whilepartial regression test (t test) showed that the variable EPS, ROA, NPM and CRpartial effect, whereas the variable DER has no partial effect on stock prices.
Keyword: Stock prices, Earning Per Share (EPS),Return On Equity (ROE), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), andCurrent Ratio(CR)
Penulis: Firda Silviyatul Husnia
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151588

Paket Lengkap Influence Of Trust And Customer Satisfaction On Repurchase Intention At Online Shop In The Facebook

ABSTRACT: The purpose of study was to examine the influence of trust and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention. The sample in this study 100 respondents (Customer Online Shop). The sampling method was purposive sampling method frompopulations of customer Online Shop in the Facebook. The analysis method was path analysis. The results of path analysis show that trust and consumer satisfactioninfluence positive and significant effect on repurchase intention online shop in the Facebook. The trust effect as mediation between consumer satisfaction andrepurchase intention.
Keywords: Trust,Consumer Satisfaction, Repurchase intention, Online Shop
Penulis: Viajeng Purnama Putri
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151589

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Paket Lengkap Dampak Store Atmosphere Terhadap Harapan Untuk Beli Kembali Di Taman Indie Resto Kota Malang

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to examine the effect of store atmosphere against the re-purchases intention at Taman Indie Resto and to examine indicators of variable store atmosphere (Exterior, General Interior, Store Layout and Interior Display) the dominant influence on the re-purchases intention at Taman Indie Resto TownMalang. This study uses primary data collected from questionnaires, the purchaser(buyer) at Taman Indie Resto. The sampling technique in this research use accidental sampling, as many as 130 people and using binomial logistic regressionanalysis. Based on data analysis binomial regression which includes partial test, test simultaneously and the suitability of the model in this study are: test based on partial indicators that affect significantly partially on the re-purchases intention atTaman Indie Resto, with indicators exterior, general interior, store layout andinterior display significantly influence the re-purchases intention at Taman IndieResto. Concurrent test shows that jointly indicators exterior, general interior, store layout and interior displays significantly influence the re-purchases intention at Taman Indie Resto. Indicators of the most dominant influence on the re-purchases intention is the general interior. Test the feasibility of the model shows that the -2log likelihood with the independent variables indicate that the addition of independent variables in the regression model is better than the absence ofindependent variables so that the model used is feasible.
Keyword: store atmosphere, re-purchases intention, binomial regression
Penulis: Ratna Kurniawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151590

Friday, May 18, 2018

Paket Lengkap Analisis Administrasi Keuntungan Dan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Pengakuisisi Sebelum Dan Setelah Akuisisi

ABSTRACT: This study discuss about earnings management and financial performance of theacquirer before and after acquisition. The purpose of research was to obtainempirical evidence of how earning management have done by acquirer companiesbefore the implementation of acquisition. In addition it aims to determine thechanges in the acquirer’s financial performance before and after the acquisition. This research is a comparative study which to compare the financial performance the acquirer before and after the company make acquisition. Analysis of financialperformance uses financial rations, including profitability, activity, andsolvability. Analysis of earnings management using the theory of Jones modified. Earnings management by the acquirer is a proxy for discretionary accruals (DA).The company performance was measured by using financing rations (a net profit margin, return on assets, total assets turnover, and debt to equity ratio). The resultof analysis showed that there are two companies which have positive discretionary accrual value and the other three companies which have negative discretionary accrual value. Moreover financial performance of the acquirer company is experiencing the different more toward to reduction of financial performance. Theconclusion was that earning management of two acquirer companies (ANTM andUNTR) have done by increasing the profit (income increasing accruals) before doing the acquisition. While, the other three companies (ENRG, RAJA, and SMGR)have done earning management by decreasing the profit (income decreasing accruals) before doing the acquisition. Furthermore, financial performance that measure with NPM and DER increased after acquisition, while ROA and TATO decreased after acquisition.
Keyword: Earning Management, Acquisition, Financial Performance
Penulis: Tyasshela Sani Wibowo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151591

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Paket Lengkap Analysis Of The Process Strategy In Catfish Farming Kawan Makmur Tulungagung

ABSTRACT: The research aims is to determine time process duration of catfish cultivation. Processing chart used to analyse time determination in cultivation process. Processing chart shows a series of activities, operating time cycle, value-added time, and non value-added activities. The result shows that to produce 1 pool of catfish need 80 days with 1.5 eficiency level. Catfish size was standardized in harvest time and the farmer earn some profits.
Keyword: time, production process, process chart
Penulis: Rafika Meilia Sari
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151592

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Paket Lengkap Studi Kelayakan Pemanfaatan Limbah Sumpit Untuk Pembuatan Produk Pengisi Rongga - Rongga Kertas Pada Ud Mutiara 9 Serang Banten

ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyse levels of the feasiblity of the utilization of chopstick waste of the manufacture of filler products cavities. To measure the feasibility some aspects should beconsidered such as market, marketing, operational, human resources, and financial aspect.The result indicated that all acpect was feasible. The market aspect is feasible because ithas high demand. Operation aspect is feasible because of modern technology used. Humanresource aspects is feasible because of the there were skills labor own by the company, andfinancial aspect is also feasible because NPV more than zero and payback period less than estimated period.
Keyword: waste a feasibility study, UKM, bussiness environment
Penulis: Eka Angkasa Putra Agni Hermawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151593

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Paket Lengkap Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Konsumen Pada Radio Radio Dakwah Islamiah 100,5 Fm

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of service on 100.5 FM Radio Dakwah Islamiah, to know what service attributes less value performance and findout what attributes can be developed as a new added value, and to identify targetsand priority repairs to be carried out by RDI 100.5 FM. The analysis tool used is Quality Function Deployment (QFD) by means House of Quality (HOQ) to convert the customer's voice directly to the technical requirements of the services produced. This study uses six operational variables, namely quality management, design of products and services, layout, location, process design and capacity, human resources in the job design attributes translate what the customer needs. The results of analysis shown that the quality of existing services in RDI 100.5 FM that is prettygood, but need repair and upgrading to meet the expectations of listeners is on theattributes of the hospitality crew, modulation radio announcer voice clarity. It is also shown to attribute that has a value that is less performance such as signalcoverage, the number of pauses, specialization of employees, and knowable stepscan companies do to improve the quality of service that has been sorted based ontargets and priorities.
Keywords: Quality Function Deployment (QFD), House of Quality (HOQ), Quality
Penulis: Arif Agung Setiawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151594

Paket Lengkap Efek Pecahan Harga (Discount) Terhadap Pembelian Tidak Terjadwal (Impulse Buying) (Studi Pada Pengunjung Matahari Department Store Johar Plaza Jember)

ABSTRACT: The  purpose  of  this  research  was  to  analyze  the  response  of  impulse  buying, response to discount on Matahari Department store and the effect of discount on impulse  buying  on  visitors.  The  population  in  were  the  visitors  at  Matahari Department Store, the number of samples 100 visitors who were collected by using purposive sampling technique. The analysis technique was descriptive analysis and the  simple  linear  regression.  The  result  of  descriptive  analysis  shows  that  the response  of  impulse  buying  was  positive  and  the  response  of  discount  was  also positive.  The  result  of  simple  linear  regression  show  that  impulse  buying  was influenced  by  discounted  price  (discount)  on  Matahari  Department  Store.  The positive results tend to be weak indicated by the results of adjusted R-square. This mean that the impulse buying in Matahari Department Store was also influenced by other variables outside of this research.
Keywords: Price, Discount, impulse buying
Penulis: Indra Bayu Baskara
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151595

Monday, May 14, 2018

Paket Lengkap Dampak Augmented Product Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Konsumen Dalam Membeli Motor Yamaha Mio Di Dealer Kencong Jaya Motor

Abstrak:  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  menguji  pengaruh  produk tambahan  pada  saat  pembelian  dan  setelah  pembelian  terhadap keputusan  pembelian,  kepuasan  dan  loyalitas  pelanggan.  Penelitian ini memakai metode analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menawarkan bahwa produk perhiasan pada ketika pembelian dan pasca pembelian berpengaruh  terhadap  keputusan  pembelian  baik  secara  pribadi maupun melalui variabel antara kepuasan.
Kata Kunci:  Produk  Tambahan,  Keputusan  Pembelian,  Kepuasan Pelanggan, Loyalitas Pelanggan
Penulis: Tri Palupi Robustin
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151596

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Paket Lengkap Efek Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan

Abstrak:  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  menganalisis  efek kualitas  layanan  terhadap  kepuasan  dan  loyalitas  pelanggan. Populasi  dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah  semua  pelanggan  yang menggunakan  layanan  bank  konvensional  di  Situbondo.  Dengan teknik  purposive  sampling,  jumlah  responden  penelitian  adalah  115 orang.  Hasil  uji  analisis  jalur  menunjukkan  bahwa  bukti  fisik, keandalan, daya tanggap, empati, jaminan, dan kepuasan konsumen besar lengan berkuasa signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan.
Kata Kunci: Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan, Kesetiaan
Penulis: Diah Yulisetiarini
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151597

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Paket Lengkap Analisis Variabel Yang Mempengaruhi Earning Per Share Dan Hubungannya Terhadap Price To Book Value

Abstrak:  Salah  satu  informasi  yang  umum  digunakan  oleh  para investor  dalam  menilai  saham  bank  adalah  dengan  memakai rasio  Price  To  Book  Value  (PBV).  Selain  PBV,  informasi  yang  juga sering dipakai oleh investor dalam menilai saham ialah dengan rasio EPS atau Earning Per Share. Penelitian ini mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi  EPS  dan  PBV.  Faktor  tersebut  meliputi  Return  on Equity (ROE),  Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non  Performing  Loan (NPL),  Net  Interest  Margin  (NIM),  dan  Biaya  Operasional  dan Pendapatan  Operasional  (BOPO).  Penelitian  ini  memakai sampel  sebanyak  26  bank  di  Indonesia  untuk  periode  2009  sampai 2011,  yang  dianalisis  menggunakan  analisis  jalur  (path).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan NPL besar lengan berkuasa terhadap EPS sedangkan EPS dan BOPO besar lengan berkuasa terhadap PBV.
Penulis: Sovia Yulianingsih
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151598

Friday, May 11, 2018

Paket Lengkap Event Marketing Sebagai Seni Administrasi Meningkatkan Merk Awareness Kabupaten Jember

Abstrak:  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  menguji  pengaruh  event marketing  Bulan Berkunjung ke Jember 2012 (BBJ 2012)  terhadapbrand awareness  Kabupaten  Jember. Populasi  dalam  penelitian  ini adalah  seluruh  masyarakat  yang  menyaksikan  BBJ  2012.  Metode sampling  yang digunakan  adalah  snowball sampling  dengan  jumlah responden  sebanyak 70 orang.  Alat  analisis yang digunakan  adalahanalisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menawarkan bahwaevent  marketing  olah  raga  dan  pameran  pada  BBJ  2012  tidakberpengaruh  terhadap  brand  awareness  Kabupaten  Jember, sedangkan  event marketing  pagelaran  seni  budaya  pada BBJ 2012 besar lengan berkuasa terhadap merk awareness Kabupaten Jember.
Kata Kunci: Event Marketing, Brand Awareness, Strategi
Penulis: Deasy Wulandari, Imam Suroso
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151599

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Paket Lengkap Efek Janji Organisasional Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Menurut Karakteristik Individual

Abstrak:  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  dampak komitmen  organisasional  terhadap  kinerja  karyawan  menurut karakteristik  individu,  yang  meliputi  jenis  kelamin,  usia,  status perkawinan,  dan  pengalaman  kerja.  Populasi  penelitian  ini  yakni seluruh  karyawan  di  bagian  produksi.  Semua  karyawan  menjadi responden  penelitian.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa komitmen  organisasional  mempengaruhi  kinerja  karyawan. Karakteristik individual yang menjadikan perbedaan pada kinerja karyawan yakni status perkawinan, sementara jenis kelamin, usia dan  pengalaman  kerja  tidak  menyebabkan  perbedaan  pada kesepakatan organisasional.
Kata Kunci: Komitmen Organisasi, Kinerja, Karakteristik Individu
Penulis: Eddy M. Sutanto, Athalia Ratna
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151600

Paket Lengkap Microfinance Institution As An Alternativeof Msmes Development Project (Case Study On Gakin Bank Jember)

Abstract:  Gakin  Bank  is  a  microfinance  institution  (MFI)  aims  to reduce  the  poverty  rate  in  Jember.  The  limited  employment opportunities  had  forced  the  poor people  to  build  their  own  informal business.  However,  the  difficulty  in  gaining  the  capital  loan  and  the high  level  of  interest  rate  offered  by  formal  banks  were  the  major obstacles for the poor to develop their business.  Gakin Bank was builtresponding  to  such  condition.  This  research  aims  to  analyze performance  and  capacity  building  of  Gakin  Bank.  The  analytical methods  used are  descriptive analysis  approach and SWOT analysis. The  data  used  are  primary  data  from  the  interviews  and  secondary data  obtained  from  various  sources.  Results  show  that  MFI  has  an important role as  the  micro  financial  institution in lending funds to  the poor  people  and  also  for  the  empowerment  of  Micro,  Small,  and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
Keywords:  Gakin  Bank,  Microfinance  Institutions,  MSMEs, Development
Penulis: Nadia Azalia Putri
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151601

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Paket Lengkap Analisis Imbas Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan, Kepuasan, Dan Loyalitas Konsumen Dalam Pembelian Roti Ceria Di Jember

Abstrak:  Roti  Ceria  adalah  produk  roti  manis  yang  dijual  di  kawasan Jember.  Dalam  pengembangan  bisnisnya,  perusahaan  akan melakukan  ekspansi  usaha  ke  setiap  kecamatan  di  Jember. Perusahaan  memilih  segmen  kelas  bawah  yang  direliasasikan dengan  biaya  yang  rendah  dan  menentukan  pemosisian  produk hanya  untuk  pasar  roti  manis.  Pihak  manajemen  telah mengimplementasikan  strategi  bauran  pemasaran.  Namun,  taktik tersebut  dinilai  masih  belum  efektif  terutama  dalam  usaha  e kspansi area penjualan produk. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan studi ilmiah untuk mengukur  strategi  bauran  pemasaran  dan  pengaruhnya  pada keputusan,  kepuasan,  dan  loyalitas  konsumen.  Hasil  studi menunjukkan  bahwa  semua  hipotesis  penelitian  terdukung  yang artinya  terdapat  pengaruh  signifikan  dari  produk,  distribusi,  dan promosi pada keputusan konsumen; terdapat imbas signifikan dari produk  dan  harga  pada  kepuasan  konsumen;  terdapat  imbas signifikan dari keputusan pada kepuasan dan loyalitas konsumen; dan terdapat imbas signifikan dari kepuasan pada loyalitas konsumen.
Kata Kunci:  Produk,  Harga,  Distribusi,  Promosi,  Keputusan, Kepuasan, Loyalitas
Penulis: Haris Hermawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151602

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Paket Lengkap Efek Financial Leverage Terhadap Return On Equity Dan Earning Per Share Pada Perusahaan Sektor Telekomunikasi Yang Listed Di Bursa Imbas Indonesia

Abstrak:  Tujuan  dari  penelitian  ini  adalah  untuk  menganalisis:  (a) pengaruh  financial leverage  yang dinyatakan dengan  debt to assets, long term debt to equity, dan  debt to equity  terhadap keuntungan (Return on Equity  atau  ROE);  (b)  pengaruh  financial  leverage  yang  dinyatakan dengan  debt  to  assets,  long  term  debt  to  equity,  dan  debt  toequity terhadap laba  (Earning per Share  atau EPS); (c) efek mayoritas dari  financial  leverage  terhadap  ROE  dan  EPS  pada  perusahaan sektor  telekomunikasi  yang  terdaftar  di  Bursa  Efek  Indonesia. Penelitian  ini  menganalisis  5  perusahaan.  Analisis  regresi  linier berganda  digunakan  untuk  pengujian  hipotesis.  Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa  financial  leverage  berpengaruh  pada keuntungan  (baik  ROE  maupun  EPS).  Hasil  penelitian  juga menunjukkan  bahwa  debt  to  assets  ratio  merupakan  variabel  yang mempunyai efek mayoritas pada  ROE dan EPS.
Kata Kunci: Financial Leverage, ROE, dan EPS
Penulis: Jouhar Fayahaqi, Sumani, Lilik Farida
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151603

Monday, May 7, 2018

Paket Lengkap Analisis Segmentasi Pasar Produk Rokok Mild Menurut Atribut Produk Di Kabupaten Jember

Abstrak:  Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk menganalisis: (1)  segmentasi pasar rokok  Mild  berdasarkan  atribut  produk;  (2)  merek  produk  rokok  Mild  yang ada pada masing-masing segmen; (3)  merek produk rokok Mild yang paling diminati konsumen; (4) atribut yang membedakan segmentasi pasar rokok Mild.  Responden  penelitian  adalah  105  orang  konsumen  rokok  Mild  di Jember.  Alat  analisis  yang  digunakan  adalah  analisis  kluster  dan  analisis diskriminan.  Hasil penelitian menawarkan bahwa: (1) konsumen  rokok Mild terbagi  atas  dua  segmen,  yaitu  konsumen  yang  kurang  memperhatikan atribut dan konsumen yang mempertimbangkan atribut produk; (2) rokok LA Mild, GG Mild,  A Mild, dan Pro Mild mempunyai kemiripan dalam posisinya di benak  konsumen, sementara  rokok Class Mild mempunyai perbedaan dengan keempat jenis rokok Mild lainnya; (3) produk rokok Mild yang paling diminati konsumen  adalah  LA  Mild;  (4)  atribut  produk  yang  membedakan  segmen rokok di  Kota Jember yaitu merek, kemasan, harga,  tar  dan nikotin, serta aroma.  Harga  merupakan  atribut  yang  paling  membedakan  antar  segmen rokok Mild di Jember.
Kata Kunci: Merek, Kemasan, Harga, Cita rasa, Aroma, Tar dan Nikotin
Penulis: M. Ayson Teguh Alfian, Sudaryanto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151604

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Paket Lengkap Imbas Strategic Experiential Modules (Sem’S) Dan Emotional Branding Terhadap Merk Loyalty Gambaran Hand & Body Lotion Pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Jember

Abstrak:  Tujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah  untuk  menganalisis  dampak sense,  feel,  think,  act,  dan  relate,yang  biasa  disebut  dengan  Modul Eksperiental  Strategis,  dan  pengaruh  emotional  branding  terhadap kesetiaan merek  produk Citra Hand & Body Lotion. Sampel  penelitian terdiri  dari  70  mahasiswa  Fakultas  Ekonomi  Universitas Jember.Penelitian  ini  menggunakan  regresi  linear  berganda  untuk pengujian  hipotesis.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa  terdapat pengaruh  positif  darisense,  think,  act,  relate,dan  emotional  branding  terhadap  brand  loyalty.  Namun,  terdapat  pengaruh  negatif  dari  feel terhadap merk loyalty.
Kata Kunci: Sense, Feel, Think, Act, Relate, Emotional Branding, dan Regresi berganda
Penulis: Ketut Indraningrat
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151605

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Paket Lengkap Telaah Return Saham Bank Di Indonesia Berbasis Indikator Kinerja Kesehatan Keuangan Bank

Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk memilih apakah rasio CAELS  berpengaruh  terhadap  return  saham  dan  apakah  return saham  bank  pemerintah  lebih  baik  daripada  return  saham  bank swasta.  Data  penelitian  ini  berupa  data  sekunder  yaitu  laporan keuangan  yang  telah  diaudit  periode  2010  hingga  2012.  Sampel penelitian  sebanyak  16  bank.  Hasil  pengujian  dengan  ujitmenunjukkan  bahwa  tidak  semua  variabel  yang  dipakai besar lengan berkuasa terhadap  return  saham.  Return saham bank pemerintah dari tahun 2010, 2011,  dan 2012 lebih tinggi daripada  return  saham bank swasta.
Kata Kunci: Rasio CAELS, Return Saham, Laporan Keuangan
Penulis: Alin Sastiti Maharani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151606

Paket Lengkap Efek City Branding Terhadap City Image, Customer Satisfaction, Dan Customer Loyalty Di Kota Ambon

Abstrak:  Tujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah  untuk  menguji  pengaruh  city branding  terhadap  city  image,  customer  satisfaction,  dan  customer loyalty  di  Kota  Ambon.  Populasi  dalam  penelitian  ini  ialah wisatawan domestik dan mancanegara yang melaksanakan kunjungan ke tempat-tempat  wisata  di  Kota  Ambon.  Metode  sampling  yang digunakan  adalah  purposive  sampling  dengan  jumlah  sampel sebanyak  160  responden.  Alat  analisis  yang  digunakan  ialah Stuctural  Equation  Modelling.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa terdapat  pengaruh  signifikan  city  branding  terhadap  city  image,city branding  terhadap  customer  satisfaction,  city  branding  terhadap customer loyalty, city image terhadap customer satisfaction,city image terhadap  customer  loyalty,  dan  customer  satisfaction  terhadap customer  loyalty di Kota Ambon.
Kata  Kunci:  City  Branding,  City  Image,Customer  Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
Penulis: Haris Salampessy, Imam Suroso, Deasy Wulandari
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151607

Friday, May 4, 2018

Paket Lengkap Imbas Karakteristik Pekerjaan, Budaya Organisasi Dan Kualitas Interaksi Atasan Dan Bawahan Terhadap Kinerja Melalui Sikap Bekerja Karyawan Di Ptpn Xii Surabaya

Abstrak:  Tujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah  untuk  menganalisis  efek karakteristik  pekerjaan,  budaya  organisasi,  dan  interaksi atasan dan bawahan  terhadap  kinerja  karyawan  terhadap  perilaku  bekerja  dan kinerja  karyawan di PTPerkebunan Nusantara  (PTPN)  XII Surabaya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah  karyawan di  PTPN XII Surabaya sebanyak  300  orang  dengan  sampel  penelitian  berjumlah  90 responden.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa  karakteristik pekerjaan,  budaya  organisasi,  dan  interaksi  atasan-bawahan kuat konkret terhadap sikap bekerja dan kinerja karyawan.
Kata Kunci:   Karakteristik  Pekerjaan,  Budaya  Organisasi,  Interaksi Atasan  dan  Bawahan,  Perilaku  Bekerja,  dan  Kinerja Karyawan
Penulis: Alexander Sitio, Purnamie Titisari, Diana Tobing
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151608

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Paket Lengkap Imbas Atribut Produk Gambaran Hand & Body Lotion Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Di Kota Jember

Abstrak:  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  menguji  dan  menganalisis pengaruh: (1) atribut produk terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, (2) atribut produk  terhadap  kesetiaan  pelanggan,  dan  (3)  kepuasan  terhadap kesetiaan  pelanggan  pada  produk  Citra  Hand  &  Body  Lotion  diJember.  Analisis  Structural  Equation  Modeling  dengan  aktivitas AMOS 18 dipakai untuk pengujian hipotesis. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah  110  responden.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa:  (1) atribut  produk besar lengan berkuasa faktual dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan,  (2)  atribut  produk  berpengaruh  positif  dan  signifikanterhadap kesetiaan pelanggan, dan (3) kepuasan besar lengan berkuasa faktual dan  signifikan  terhadap  kesetiaan  pelanggan  produk  Citra  Hand  &Body Lotion di Jember.
Kata Kunci: Atribut Produk, Kepuasan, dan Kesetiaan Pelanggan
Penulis: Tri Palupi Robustin
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151609

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Paket Lengkap Efek Gambaran Institusi Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Mahasiswa Universitas Moch. Sroedji Jember

Abstract: The purpose ofthis study was to examine the effect of institutional image and service quality on satisfaction and loyalty of students of the Moch. Sroedji Jember University. A total of 144 students was used as the sample. The hypothesis were tested using Structural Equation Modelling. Results show that institutional image and service quality affect student satisfaction and loyalty significantly. Customer satisfaction affects customer loyalty significantly.
Keyword: Institutional Image, Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Loyalty
Penulis: Rifka Arinda Noviasari, Deasy Wulandari, Ika Barokah Suryaningsih
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151610

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Paket Lengkap Efek Karakteristik Individu Dan Janji Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Kepuasan Kerja

Abstract: This research is a survey research with the objective of analyzing whether individual characteristic, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction influence employee performance inPT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Surabaya. The model used in this study was causality model. The hypothesis were tested using path analysis. The sample consisted of 102 respondents. Results showed that individual characteristics, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction had significant influence on employee performance.
Keywords: Individual Characteristic, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance
Penulis: Syahrul Bustomi, Murdjianto Purbangkoro, Budi Nurhardjo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151611